Harvey Gulf banks on electric power

Harvey Gulf banks on electric power


Harvey Gulf International Marine, the New Orleans-based LNG-powered PSV owner, and LNG bunkering pioneer, has continued the transformation of its fleet.

Courtesy of Harvey Gulf
Harvey Gulf banks on electric power
Courtesy of Harvey Gulf

The company has committed to install 10 additional battery systems on its vessels.

Harvey will install four systems on its remaining LNG PSVs without battery systems, Harvey America, Harvey Liberty, Harvey Power and Harvey Freedom, converting them to Tri-Fuel vessels.

Two systems will be installed on Harvey’s MPSV Harvey Subsea, making it the only MPSV in the Americas that is dual fuel and with electric battery power.

The remaining four batteries will be installed on three of Harvey’s 300 and 310’ PSVs, Harvey Supporter, Harvey Hawk and Harvey Condor, with two systems being installed on one of those vessels.

CEO of Harvey Gulf and QLNG, Shane Guidry, stated, “Now that we have successfully completed sea-trials of the Harvey Energy, America’s first Tri-Fueled vessel utilizing three fuel sources, diesel, LNG, and electric battery power, and with battery power being installed on the Harvey Champion, making her dual-fueled, my team and I have made the decision to purchase 10 additional battery systems to be installed on our largest PSVs and one of our newest MPSVs.”

Guidry further noted that this fleet of vessels will be crucial in assisting Harvey’s clients’ efforts to achieve net carbon zero.

Harvey operates platform supply vessels powered by both LNG and battery systems, a hybrid anchor handling tug for ship tendering service, America’s only LNG marine fueling dock, and will soon take delivery of America’s first dynamic position class liquefied natural gas (LNG) articulated tug and barge bunkering vessel.

Guidry further noted there are further transformation plans in the pipeline, all with a view to helping the company’s customers achieve net carbon zero.