Dive site secures Subsea 7 training

Scotland’s Underwater Centre in Fort William has extended the depth of its relationship with offshore contractor Subsea 7 by providing training for 11 of its inspection engineers in commercial diving and ROV use.

The team of 11 are undergoing an intensive training programme to equip them for subsea diving and ROV work at The Underwater Centre at Loch Linnhe, marking a hat-trick of training deals secured by the centre from Subsea 7.

“What makes our Centre so special is the realistic industry relevant environment that students encounter on our courses,” saod Steve Ham, general manager. “They are able to experience first hand the challenges faced by subsea divers and ROV pilots.”

Because of it location at Loch Linnhe, the centre provides sheltered seawater environment for training, with water depths down to 150 m (492 ft), which has several subsea structure to practise on, replicating conditions divers can expect in the North Sea. Also the centre provides a purpose-built diver training pool with underwater welding bays for further training.

And Subsea 7 inspection manager Lloyd Duncan, said the facilities provided there are “first class,” adding: “Inspection engineers are required to work closely with divers, subsea engineers and ROV pilots, so it is vital that they understand the particulars of these disciplines.”