IHCantabria explores seaports and wave energy synergy

IHCantabria has discussed the progress of the SE@PORTS project whose main goal is to study the implementation of wave energy converters in seaports at the recently held steering committee meeting.

During the steering committee meeting, held on June 28-29, 2017, the partners provided the technical progress of the different work packages of the SE@PORTS project, and discussed the next steps to be taken.

The research center for marine renewables IHCantabria took part in the meeting, along with a group of experts from a consortium of 6 European partners, including INEGI, UPorto, Fórum Oceano, IHCantabria, PLOCAN and IMDC.

The SE@PORTS project, short for Sustainable Energy at Sea Ports, is a European project that is supported by different national/regional funding, under the frame of OCEANERA-NET.

The main goal of this project consists on study the implementation of wave energy converters (WECs) in seaports to prepare the infrastructure for the future throughout sustainable and environmentally friendly developments.

Seaports breakwaters are designed to withstand wave action and promote the dissipation of wave energy at the entrance of the seaport, creating sheltered conditions for port activities. Due to their design, seaports present high potential for the integration of WECs, according to IHCantabria.