Infrastructure might be ‘the new gold’, but mind the gap

The final Energy Talk for the first day of the Offshore Energy 2020 virtual event encompassed more than one industry and more than one aspect, with Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy, offering his take on the infrastructure and energy-generating sectors.

Lex de Groot, Managing Director of Neptune Energy during ‘Infrastructure might be ‘the new gold’, but mind the gap’ Energy talk; Navingo

Lex de Groot pointed out that offshore will be the place to reach the goal of ‘no-emissions green energy world’ by harnessing offshore renewable energy and using it to power the production of green hydrogen.

To be able to utilise the infrastructure as best as possible, wind farms should be built close to the hydrogen production infrastructure, and existing infrastructure that sits on depleting resources makes for a good location to facilitate carbon capture and storage (CCS) offshore.

CCS, hydrogen and system integration are essential parts of energy transition, according to Lex de Groot.

“Basically if we would convert the electricity generated by the wind mills to green hydrogen, we could transport it through these systems, mix it in the existing infrastructure, and in that way have a fully green no hydro-carbon emissions form of energy to supply the energy needs of society”, said Lex de Groot.

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