KPI OceanConnect

KPI OceanConnect: Fujairah joins biofuel bunkering ports club

Ports & Logistics

The UK-based marine energy solutions provider KPI OceanConnect has supplied two bulk carriers owned by India-based company ArcelorMittal Shipping with B24 very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) at the Port of Fujairah, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The bunkering of GCL Tapi and GCL Sabarmati took place at Fujairah anchorage on December 8 and 13, respectively.

Each vessel received 200mt of B24 biofuel, according to the company.

Biofuel stem delivered by KPI OceanConnect is a first-ever for the Port of Fujairah, reflecting the increasing availability of biofuel bunkers worldwide, KPI OceanConnect said.

Biofuel bunkering continues to grow worldwide, with close to one million tonnes of biofuel blend being bunkered in 2023 in Singapore and Port of Rotterdam – two of the world’s largest bunkering hubs.

The development of biofuel bunkering in Fujairah and its facilitation by KPI OceanConnect, will increase opportunities for vessel owners and operators to act on reducing the net greenhouse gas emissions of voyages.

“We are delighted to be a partner to this first-of-a-kind fuel supply operation for the Port of Fujairah, and to be able to deliver a biofuel blend to meet the needs of our ArcelorMittal client,” Jesper Sørensen, Head of Alternative Fuels and Carbon Markets at KPI OceanConnect said.

“We expect to see demand for low-carbon energy solutions increase as regulations to restrict greenhouse gas emissions come into force, and consumer pressure for sustainable shipping increases. In response, we continue to develop our infrastructure to support bio and alternative fuel bunkering.”

Biofuels offer a viable pathway for operators in the shipping industry to reduce their GHG emissions in the short term. To create a stable supply that will help the shipping industry meet its sustainability goals, first movers on both sides of the market will need to invest in supply development and provide a demand signal. By building partnerships and sharing knowledge across the sector, the industry can support and grow biofuel availability.