Lack of Due Diligence Could Lead to Major Costs

Inadequate due diligence now could result in expensive operational problems in the future, as well as potential long-term reputational damage.

Andrew Marshall, Coldharbour Marine Chief Executive, predicts major problems ahead for those ship operators who have adopted a strategy of minimum compliance based on lowest cost, or simply agreed on ballast water treatment systems as part of a standard shipyard specification.

Marshall said that many ship operators require a far better understanding of ballast water treatment technologies and their shortcomings in real-life applications.

“Which charterer would risk hiring a ship with a known history of delays, or an operator with a list of PSC issues? You can be certain that the end-users of shipping services will be conducting their own due diligence to the very highest standards,” Marshall said.

Delegates at the International Maritime Organization’s MEPC 72 meeting in April are likely to sign off the two-year delay on ballast water convention implementation dates for existing ships.

Although the move would mean another two years of threats from invasive species, the extra 24 months will allow more time for the essential due diligence which many ship operators have only just begun to come to terms with, according to Marshall.

“The correct choice of system requires a clear understanding of complex scientific and operational issues,” Marshall said.

Marshall cited two examples: ultra violet systems can struggle in waters of high turbidity; and electro-chlorination may not be as effective in waters of low temperature and/or low salinity. In both cases, the treatment system may require significantly more power which may or may not be available on-board ship.

Parts of the industry are finally addressing what he describes as “the BWTS conundrum”. But he also points out that whilst many are working hard to understand the practical issues facing the day-to-day operation of treatment systems, many others are simply relying on type approval certificates and testing data that often bears no resemblance to the conditions that their vessels will face in daily operation.