Marine Power Systems picks BiMEP for DualSub sea trials

Marine Power Systems picks BiMEP for DualSub sea trials

Business Developments & Projects

Marine Power Systems (MPS) has chosen the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) to carry out sea trials of its full-scale DualSub platform that houses both wave and wind power generation technologies.

Marine Power Systems

According to Marine Power Systems, the berth has been secured and a geotechnical survey of the site located in the Basque Country, Northern Spain, is being carried out.

“We are particularly excited about this project, which represents the final stage in our testing programme before we deliver commercial devices to our customers,” said Gareth Stockman, Marine Power Systems CEO.

“The project will also support further research and development around manufacturing and deployment at commercial scale. In addition, we have further exciting news to come in the forthcoming weeks and months of project developments both here in the UK and overseas.”

According to the company, the BiMEP site offers ideal deep water testing conditions and a direct connection into the electricity grid, as well as ideal metocean wind and wave conditions in which to test and demonstrate the technology throughout the year and across all seasons.

“BiMEP is delighted to have reached an agreement with Marine Power Systems, to carry out sea trials of their full-scale commercial demonstrator,” said Yago Torre-Enciso, technical director at BiMEP.

“In addition to being a validation of our all-year round location, it will provide us with an excellent opportunity to test the potential of wind and wave working together for the first time at BiMEP.”