Mexican delegation visits bimep

Authorities & Government

Businessmen and politicians from Mexico have visited bimep marine energy research platform located off the coast of Basque Country.

The visit was part of the tour during which the delegation visited various institutions and companies in Basque Country, in an effort to build relationship for further collaboration on projects of mutual interest.

The visit to bimep was led by the Deputy Minister of Industry, Economic Development and Competitiveness, Javier Zarraonandia, and Yago Torre-Enciso, Technical Director of bimep facility.

With a power generating capacity of 20 MW, bimep is a research infrastructure dedicated for demonstrating the technical and economic viability of marine energy converters prior to their large-scale commercialisation.

At its nearest point to land, the platform is 1.700 metres distant from the coast and has a water depth of 50 metres, progressively increasing to 90 metres.

To remind, Basque Country recently announced that it would financially support demonstration and validation of emerging marine energy technologies with €2.5 million.

The deadline for submitting applications for the financial aid programme is December 31, 2015, or upon the exhaustion of the allocated budget for the programme.

Image: EVE