MeyGen gets Ofgem creds

Business & Finance

The first phase of the MeyGen tidal project has been granted full accreditation by UK’s regulator for gas and electricity Ofgem.

The MeyGen project will now be issued with five Renewables Obligations Certificates (ROCs) for every MWh of renewable electricity generated by the station, Atlantis informed.

The Phase 1A of the MeyGen project, comprising a 6MW tidal turbine array, began commercial operation back in November 2016.

Tim Cornelius, CEO of Atlantis Resources, said: “The granting of full accreditation for Phase 1A of the MeyGen project represents a truly historic milestone for the MeyGen project, Atlantis and everyone associated with the tidal power sector in the United Kingdom. The project has gone from strength to strength over the past 24 months and even greater strides will now be made as we prepare for construction of the next phase of the MeyGen project to start later this year.”

To remind, Atlantis recently installed the fourth tidal turbine to the array to the site in Pentland Firth, off Scotland, wrapping up the first phase of the project.

The AR1500 turbine has been connected to the grid onshore at the Ness of Quoys, where power from the project is converted and combined to form a 6MW grid compliant tidal stream power station which directly supplies energy to the local electricity distribution network in Caithness.