Cable installation works for Minesto's tidal energy kite (Courtesy of Minesto)

Minesto wraps up first phase of offshore installation for 1.2MW tidal energy kite

Business Developments & Projects

Minesto has laid the main subsea cable as part of the ongoing offshore works ahead of the installation of its 1.2MW tidal energy device Dragon 12.

Cable installation works for Minesto's tidal energy kite (Courtesy of Minesto)

The 3.4 km main subsea cable was laid on the seabed, from the onshore grid connection point to the offshore installation node in Vestmanna, Faroe Islands.

After transit across the North Atlantic Ocean to Vestmanna, the cable installation work was completed in a 22-hour operation, Minesto informed.

A standard offshore supply vessel was adapted by Minesto’s subcontractor Inyanga for the cable laying to provide a cost-efficient vessel solution for the marine operations. The cable was manufactured by JDR in the UK and loaded onto the installation vessel in Hartlepool prior to transiting to the Faroe Islands.

“This cable is the highest valuable component of the infrastructure, and it’s a major milestone to have it safely installed. The installation and operation were completed according to plan thanks to our team and suppliers,” said Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto.

According to Minesto, the next steps for the Dragon 12 installation are seabed anchoring and kite installation.

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