Mocean Energy’s Blue X lands in Orkney

Project & Tenders

Mocean Energy’s Blue X wave energy converter has arrived at Hatston Pier, Kirkwall in Orkney.

Credits to Colin Keldie (Source: Mocean Energy)
Credits to Colin Keldie (Source: Mocean Energy)

The 20-metre long, 38-tonne machine was completely manufactured in Scotland and transported by road from Rosyth to Aberdeen and then by ship to Orkney.

In the coming days Blue X will undergo trials in Kirkwall Harbour prior to being towed anticlockwise around Orkney to Copland’s Dock, Stromness.

The converter will then be deployed at the European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC) Scapa Flow test site for sea trials initially, and then later will move to the centre’s grid-connected wave test site at Billia Croo, on the west coast of Orkney.

Next year, Mocean Energy plans to connect the device to a subsea battery which will be used to power a remotely operated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), with potential applications in the offshore sector.

“This is a significant moment for Mocean Energy as our first prototype moves towards operations at sea – where all of our computer modelling, design and engineering will be put to the test,” said Mocean Energy’s managing director Cameron McNatt.

“Our programme at EMEC will allow us to prove our concept at sea, particularly that its novel hull shapes will produce more power than traditional raft designs.”