NEN to Host International Marine Energy Experts

Authorities & Government

The Standardisation Institute for the Netherlands (NEN) is hosting the plenary meeting of the IEC Technical Committee TC114, developing standards for marine energy convertors, in Delft (NL) this year.

From 8 to 12th April, over 60 experts from more than 10 countries convene at NEN. The plenary is chaired by Jonathan Colby from US-based turbine developer Verdant Power.

The objective of the meeting is to make decisions in various teams and groups developing and maintaining standards.

The scope of TC114 is to develop international standards for the conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy, although other conversion methods, systems and products are also included, such as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.

Under the flag of the MET-CERTIFIED project, lead partner DMEC is organising dedicated side events on the 10th April to engage with different stakeholders and to promote marine energy.

A site visit through the province of North- Holland will showcase several marine energy projects like Tocardo Tidal Power’s mini-array at the DMEC test facilities and the RED-Stack pilot on the Afsluitdijk where power is generated from the difference in salinity gradient between sea water and fresh lake water.

During the week, national delegates will present on progress made in marine energy in their countries. Prior to the plenary meeting, 12 working groups are scheduled to discuss progress and actions on individual standards. The meetings and plenary are accessible by invitation or on special request.

This event is made possible thanks to funding received through the MET-CERTIFIED project, an INTERREG 2SEAS project lead by the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC).

MET-CERTIFIED aims to increase the adoption of insurable and therefore bankable marine energy projects through the application of internationally recognised standards and certification schemes in the sector. Supporting the TC114 event touches the core of the project’s objectives and will have significant added value for both the project and the participants to the event.

During network dinners Dutch and Belgian stakeholders from industry and government get an opportunity to meet with the experts.

MET-CERTIFIED brings together expertise in marine energy technology development, standardisation and certification and requirements for investors to ensure adequate standards and certification schemes will be used by all stakeholders.