Norway Scouts Marine Energy Options in India

Business & Finance
From meeting in Chennai between GCE Ocean Technology, Innovation Norway and National Institute of Ocean Technology. Photo: GCE

GCE Ocean Technology, Innovation Norway and National Institute of Ocean Technology recently held a meeting in Chennai, India to discuss opportunities for Norwegian ocean players.

Offshore wind, marine renewable energy and ocean research are topics of essence for both Norway and India and these markets are said to represent huge growth potential.

India has a vast ocean area that is not yet fully explored and utilised and is a country prognosed to multiply its energy consumption by 3,5 times by 2040. Offshore wind and solar energy will take a significant part of the increase, accordingly the oceans, will have to provide more food, minerals and diverse products in the future.

The National Institute of Ocean Technology conducts a variety of research programmes targeting different ocean topics. The basis for all research is the Indian perspective that “the oceans control the weather, climate and hazards, provide energy, food and mineral resources as well as an ecosystem to survive.”

NIOT operates the advanced research vessel Sagar Nidhi that can operate in both artic and tropical waters. Some of the main research topics are real time oceanographic data, coastal research and management, marine living and non-living resources, ocean thermal energy, shipborne emissions, desalinating of sea water, deep ocean exploration and marine minerals.

NIOT is already connected to Norway with different links. They have signed a MoU with NTNU, participates in the IEA – Ocean Energy Systems group with Norway and have lately ordered a Kongsberg AUV for use in deep waters.

There is a potential for increased collaboration between NIOT and Norwegian businesses on the institutes research topics.

GCE Ocean Technology said it will follow up on the Indian offshore wind energy market, marine minerals and other ocean activities to scout for opportunities for future energy collaboration for its cluster’s partners and members.