Oceanteam Appoints Non-Exec Director

Business & Finance

The Norwegian-Dutch offshore service provider Oceanteam has appointed Bote de Vries as director of the board.

De Vries succeeds James Hill who stepped down and who has been a director on Oceanteam’s board since 2012.

The appointment was approved by Oceanteam’s shareholders during an EGM on May 9, 2017. Currently, he is also a non-executive board member of Artilium (London, UK) and of Lloyds Fonds AG (Hamburg, FRG) as well as a board member of Golden Close (Bermuda) and North Atlantic Drilling Limited (Bermuda).

Oceanteam’s CEO, Haico Halbesma, said: “Mr. De Vries was presented to us by our bondholders. His appointment was one of the conditional terms the bondholders imposed in order to come to a final deal regarding the new bond loan agreement that was approved by a majority of them at the end of April 2017. We look forward to working with him. And at the same time we welcome Mr. de Vries as a Director, we say goodbye to Mr. James Hill who has contributed a great deal to the strategic direction Oceanteam has taken and the course it has kept under very severe market circumstances during the past years. We owe him a lot in this respect.”