OT&BE to Design LNG Fueled AT/B for Minyan Marine (USA)


OT&BE to Design LNG Fueled ATB for Minyan Marine

Ocean Tug & Barge Engineering (OT&BE) said that it has been recently selected to design a new high speed, LNG-fueled articulated tug and barge (AT/B) container carrier for Minyan Marine.

It will be the world’s first LNG-powered AT/B. Minyan Marine is planning to operate high speed U.S. coastwise AT/B cellular container vessels on the East, Gulf and West Coasts of the United States.

The AT/B’s barge portion will have a capacity of 1,056 TEUs. The barge will feature a set of LNG fuel tanks adjacent to the tug notch and will employ a barge to tug gas fuel transfer system.

The barge will carry enough LNG to provide a round trip capability in gas fuel over the primary intended trade route.


LNG World News Staff, November 4, 2013; Image: OT&BE