Over $1 million for US micro-sized autonomous underwater vehicles

Business & Finance

Rhode Island-based Jaia Robotics has raised more than $1 million in seed funding that will be used for its micro-sized autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).

Jaia Robotics

Jaia Robotics, founded in 2020, specializes in developing what are said to be low-cost, high-speed, micro-sized configurable autonomous marine vehicles called JaiaBots.

According to the company, the multi-sensor platform provides for the collection of large amounts of data in various ocean and freshwater aquatic environments for multiple applications.

The micro-sized AUV is capable of forming mobile networks allowing larger numbers of vehicles to be deployed for greater coverage of an area.

Funding was obtained in a Series Seed Round led by Launchpad Venture Group, alongside Blue Angels, Cherrystone, Walnut, and prior to that Beacon Angels and several individual investors.

“Close one of our Series Seed Round is extremely timely as we build our team to seize the opportunity to democratize aquatic data collection at scale and grow the business,” said Ian Estaphan Owen, founder and CEO of Jaia Robotics.

“This investment in Jaia Robotics is a strong show of confidence in the company as an investment opportunity and has led us to keep the round open for 90 days leading to a second close to bring us nearer to the $1.75M ceiling. This will allow us more flexibility and to really accelerate growing our team.” 

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