Provincetown Harbor Dredging Plan on Display

Business & Finance

The town of Provincetown is seeking a permit from the USACE, New England District, to conduct work in waters of the U.S. in conjunction with construction and dredging in Provincetown Harbor at 260 Main Street in Provincetown, Mass.

Proposed work involves a 600-foot long wave attenuator positioned to the northeast of the marina and a 200-foot long attenuator positioned on the southwest side of the marina immediately adjacent to MacMillan Pier.

The town is also proposing to conduct maintenance dredging in the Fairway area of approximately 3,754 cubic yards of sand from a 39,605 square foot area to a depth of -6 feet below mean low water (MLW) inshore to -10 feet MLW outshore.

The town is seeking authorization to perform repeat maintenance dredging of up to 500 cubic yards of this area on an as-needed basis due to historic shoaling rates.

In the marina basin, the town is proposing deepening of the areas below the floating attenuators (improvement dredging) to ensure sufficient depth at all times to prevent grounding.

The town plans to conduct maintenance dredging in the marina basin of approximately 3,350 cubic yards of sand from a 30,870 square foot area to a depth of -9 feet below mean low water (MLW). Of this 30,870 square feet, 17,770 square feet is within the marina maintenance dredging footprint and 13,100 square feet is footprint expansion.

All of the dredge material will be disposed of at an approved upland site.

The town is also proposing to use the “T” at the end of MacMillan Wharf for multi-purposes such as adaptable public space for a variety of community uses and events.

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