Russia: Nevsky Shipyard Starts Mooring Trials of Salvage Vessel Spasatel Karev

Nevsky Shipyard Starts Mooring Trials of Salvage Vessel Spasatel Karev

Nevsky Shipyard, LLC started mooring trials of the lead multipurpose salvage vessel “Spasatel Karev” (Yard Number 701), capacity 4 MW, Design Project MPSV07. The State Customer of the vessel is the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency.

The Customer is The Direction of State Contractor of Marine Transport Development Program. Design Bureau – “Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb”, JSC.

Multifunctional salvage vessel of MPSV07 project has high ice class. Her principal dimensions are as follows:

Length overall – about 73.0 m;

Length between perpendiculars – 64.4 m;

Breadth overall – about 16.6 m;

Breadth (due waterline) – 15.5 m;

Design draught – 4.5 m;

Working draughts – 4.0-5.1 m;

Full speed – 15 kn;

Autonomy – 20 days;

Bollard pull is about 70 tons.

Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping class notation is of KM Arc 5 AUT1-ICS OMBO FF3WS DYNPOS-2 EPP Salvage ship.

Multifunctional salvage vessel of MPSV07 is intended to carry out the following:

• patrolling and emergency salvage duty at the navigation regions, fishing regions, oil and gas marine recovery regions;

• give technical support and help in the regions dangerous for navigation and marine products catching, servicing of terminal transport operations;

• search and help vessels in distress;

• search, salvage, evacuation operations for people, rendering medical aid for people;

• taking emergency vessels off groundings and reefs, pumping out vessels’ flooded spaces;

• towage of emergency vessels and objects to the place of refuge, also fulfillment marine towage of vessels and floating objects, including ice towages;

• fulfillment of marine salvage operations, including in ice conditions;

• give assistance in fire combating on floating objects and coastal ones accessible from seaside;

• rear and technical service, including underwater diving works at the depth till 60 m, and carrying out deep-sea diving works at the depth up to 300 m;

• fire-extinguishing of burning oil on water surface, elimination of marine oil spills, including oils with flashpoint less than 60 °C (LARN);

• survey and cleaning underwater hull part of vessels, floating and coastal objects;

• investigation of sea floor and damaged objects when depth is less than 1000 m.

Nevsky Shipyard is located 40 km away from Saint-Petersburg in the town of Schliesselburg on the left bank of the river Neva. The shipyard is one of the oldest enterprises of water transport in the northwest of Russia which started its shipbuilding activity since 1952. Nowadays the shipyard builds sea and river vessels of various types and purposes and carries out ship repair works of all kinds. Slipway for rising of vessels of « Nevsky Shipyard » allows to launch and lift for repairs the vessels up to 140 meters long and dock weight up to 2500 tons.


Shipbuilding Tribune Staff, June 4, 2012; Image: nssz