Saga LNG Shipping's mid-size carrier nearing delivery

Saga LNG Shipping’s mid-size carrier nearing delivery

Saga LNG Shipping's mid-size carrier nearing delivery
Image courtesy of FKAB

The construction of Saga LNG Shipping’s 45,000-cbm LNG carrier is nearing completion at the China Merchants Heavy Industry shipyard. 

Image courtesy of FKAB

The vessel, according to the marine engineering company FKAB, will soon be ready for sea trials and delivery.

It features the LNT A-Box LNG tank system developed by LNG New Technologies.

FKAB notes the vessel has a deadweight of 24,500 tons at design draught and 29,500 tons at freeboard draught.

It will be powered by a four-stroke dual fuel engine and auxiliary engines capable of running on natural gas.

The vessel concept is named LNT 45 and was developed by FKAB together with LNT New Technologies.

FKAB has been involved both in the project to design the LNG tanks and the basic design of the vessel. The company has delivered both basic design and extended basic design to the shipyard.