Samsung Heavy delivers Johan Sverdrup processing platform to Equinor

Project & Tenders

South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has completed the processing platform (P1) for Johan Sverdrup field development offshore Norway and delivered it to Equinor.

Johan Sverdrup phase 2. Illustration Try - Equinor

Samsung Heavy announced the completion and delivery of the platform from its Geoje shipyard on Tuesday, December 18.

SHI secured the contract worth 650 billion won ($575.5 million) from Equinor in 2015 to build the large oil production platform, measuring 136m long, 69m wide and 72m high, and weighing 28,100 tonnes. The construction started in July 2016.

The P1 platform is leaving the yard today. It will arrive at Stord, Norway for installation of Deck crane, and then at the Johan Sverdrup oil field in the North Sea, about 140 Kilometers west of Stavanger, Norway during the spring. When fully integrated and commissioned, the P1 platform is expected to produce and refine up 440,000 barrels of oil each day.

The gigantic Johan Sverdrup oil field holds estimated reserves of between 2.2 and 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

“I am very happy to be able to deliver the significant offshore facility with perfect quality without any delay which will be used for the large-scale Johan Sverdrup development project in the North Sea” said an official from Samsung Heavy Industries.