Schottel to commission its Singapore tidal turbine this month

Operations & Maintenance

The tidal turbine deployed with an accompanying floating platform off Singapore is expected to be commissioned in March, according to Envirotek, Southeast Asia’s ocean renewable energy investor.

The commissioning will be carried out by the team behind the project, including engineers from Schottel Far East, based in Singapore.

The 62kW Schottel Instream Turbine (SIT) 250, attached to a catamaran deployment platform, was deployed off Sentosa island in Singapore in February.

“We believe floating systems are the way to go for tidal energy because this allows us to reduce the installation cost but also to reduce the maintenance cost,” said Ralf Starzmann, the Sales Director at Schottel Hydro.

The project, led by Envirotek, has been carried out by Schottel Hydro, Nanyang Technological University’s Energy Research Institute, LitaOcean, Singapore-based innovation company OceanPixel, Aquatera, and Orcades Marine.

Tidal Energy Today Staff