Scots call for more clarity on tidal and wave

Further development of the marine renewable energy sectors is absolutely dependent on continued support from Holyrood, Westminster and Brussels, said Jenny Hogan, Director of Policy at Scottish Renewables, at yesterday’s opening speech to Scottish Renewables Marine Conference.

Hogan said that all of the progress made up to date with the development of tidal and wave energy projects in Scotland is in jeopardy unless a viable route to viable market is created.

“Projects going in the water over coming months urgently need clarity on support,” said Hogan.

“Scottish Renewables has been working hard to put the case to Whitehall to make provision for supporting a minimum amount of marine energy capacity in the upcoming Contracts for Difference auction round, due to be announced later this year.

“For smaller-scale, innovative technologies, looking to scale up from the lab or test centre, clarity of support is also crucial. We need to keep working with government to find a way to keep these projects moving forward, and to strike the right balance between revenue and capital support.”

Hogan added that in order to see a thriving wave and tidal sector in Scotland that continues to lead the world in expertise, testing, technology development and deployment, the work on increasing support for wave and tidal power must be continued, together with the efforts to secure a viable route to market for the sector, and to further promote technology development and innovation.