Seabased wave farm now in full swing

Operations & Maintenance

Seabased, a Swedish wave developer, has deployed another wave energy generator to its wave farm, developed in cooperation with Fortum and the Swedish Energy Agency, located approximately 8 km off Smögen, Sweden.

The first phase of the wave power farm was deployed during the week commencing March 23, 2015, and comprises 36 wave energy converters and one substation.

The installation was made with the new launchpad developed by Seabased and verified by Swedish authorities.

The deployment has been delayed due to harsh weather, but is now in full swing, which means that production at the factory in Lysekil is proceeding according to plan, company’s press release reads.

Seabased installed an underwater substation, the Low Voltage Marine Substation (LVMS) late in 2014.

The wave farm represents 10 MW in capacity demonstration plant.

The company recently started the construction of a wave power plant off Ghana with assembly and installation of generators and switchgear equipment for the first 400 kW park.

Everything is going as planned and the generating units will be ready for testing in the upcoming weeks, the company states.

Seabased is a Swedish wave developer company whose wave energy technology is based on WECs with linear generators, deployed on the sea bed.

The generating unit placed on the sea bed is connected to a buoy on the surface via a line, which captures the energy in the motion of the waves, enabling the WEC to generate electricity.

The WECs are connected to marine substations, from where an alternating current can be transmitted directly to the onshore grid.

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Image: Seabased/Seabased generating unit