Sener selected to design LNG unit for Ponfido

Project & Tenders
Sener selected to design LNG unit for Ponfido
Image courtesy of Sener

Spanish engineering and technology group Sener has been contracted by Rimorchiatori Riuniti Panfido & C.s.r.l for assistance in the construction of an LNG SBBT unit. 

Image courtesy of Sener

Sener will provide basic engineering and technical assistance for the vessel that Ponfido will operate in Italy and the Adriatic sea.

This project is co-funded by the European Union through the Poseidon MED II program, Sener said.

The SBBT unit’s design is a combination of a LNG fueled tractor tug (powered unit) and a LNG bunkering non-propelled pontoon of 4,000 cubic meters. (cargo unit).

The tug will be designed and constructed as a dual fuel driven, towing, escorting, rescue, supply, and salvage tug, propelled by Voith and with 65 tons of bollard pull.

For its part, the pontoon will have a storage capacity of 4,000 cubic meters of LNG and 1,000 cubic meters of marine diesel oil (MDO), and it will be used for bunkering service.