SHI reveals new LNG carriers and containerships designs

Business Developments & Projects

South Korea’s shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has announced the development of innovative LNG carriers and containerships during the “Samsung Technical Seminar in Athens” (Samsung Technology Road Show) in Athens, Greece.

Courtesy of Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI)

The company unveiled its “3 Cargo Tank LNGC” and “Eco Container Ship” products.

SHI said the “3 Cargo Tank LNGC” is designed to increase efficiency, adding that the method makes it possible to improve the boil-off rate by more than 5%. Maintenance costs are also expected to be reduced.

To note, SHI revealed that this design method was jointly developed with France’s GTT. The design also won Approval in Principle (AiP) from Lloyd’s Register of England.

In regard to the ‘Eco Container Ship’, SHI said the design includes a new concept of separating the operating section and the living area to secure additional loading space so that up to 8% more containers can be loaded. Additionally, the vessel was designed to enable methanol and ammonia propulsion in the future.

During the seminar, SHI also promoted the latest trend in eco-friendly ship technology such as carbon capture and storage technology, fuel cell, ammonia and hydrogen, as well as the development of autonomous and smart ships, and it presented a blueprint for the future ship market.

Besides Greece, SHI is actively carrying out technology marketing activities in Europe, including the UK and Italy.

Jang Hae-ki, Head of SHI’s Technology Development Headquarters (Vice President), said: “Technology roadshows are an active marketing tool for SHI’s new designs and innovative technologies, as well as the most effective way to increase contact points with customers. The response from shipping companies is good, so it becomes a barometer for predicting the possibility of winning orders in the future.”

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