Spotted: Conquest MB1 Gets New Home

20151002_Conquest MB1
Conquest Offshore, Dutch offshore operator, has decided to select the port of Amsterdam as the homeport for their heavy lift crane barge, the Conquest MB1.

The barge, which deployed in the salvage operation of the Italian cruise vessel, Costa Concordia, will settle itself today in the Cacaohaven, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With the arrival of the Conquest MB1, the Amsterdam port region takes a big leap forward in servicing the offshore related market.

The Conquest MB1 has a lifting capacity of 1,400 tons. The crane is able to fully rotate 360 degrees. It has a free deck space of 3,700 m2 with a strength of 20 tons/m2. The Conquest MB1 can operate in shallow waters, up to a draft of 3,5 meters. The crane barge can also accommodate up to 60 people.

World Maritime News Staff; Image: Port of Amsterdam