Statoil Gets Approval for Extended Use Floater Superior (Norway)

Statoil Gets Approval for Extended Use Floater Superior

Statoil has received consent for extended use of Floatel Superior as a living quarters facility on Njord, as a result of delayed progress in work on the field.

On 22 June 2012, Statoil received consent to use Floatel Superior as a living quarters facility on Njord during a period with very high activity on the field, which was valid until 10 December 2012.

As a result of the incident on 7 November 2012, which led to water penetration in one of the ballast tanks, the facility had to be taken ashore for repairs. This has led to delayed progress in the planned work on Njord. Statoil has therefore applied for a new consent to use Floatel Superior until 15 February 2013.

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway has now granted consent in accordance with the application.


Police Investigates Floatel Superior Incident (Norway)

Floatel Superior to Be Repaired in 1-2 Weeks, Owner Says

Floatel Superior Evac: “Everything Was Calm and Orderly,” Crew Member Says

PSA Investigates Floatel Superior Stability Incident (Norway)

December 17, 2012