Swansea tidal to house international watersport centre

Watersport center - Illustration
Watersport center – Illustration

Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay (TLSB) has submitted a planning application to Swansea Council to build an international watersport centre that will also house operations, maintenance and research facilities supporting TLSB’s commitments to monitor the lagoon’s environmental impacts.

The application has been submitted following the exclusion of recreational facilities from the Development Consent Order for the energy generating station that was granted by the UK government on June 9, 2015.

Inspired by traditional fishing warehouses and boathouses, the design of the 4.000 m2 building has been developed by Faulkner Browns, a Newcastle-based architecture company.

The watersport centre will provide an ‘outdoors’ area for both recreational and competitive sporting facilities, complete with boat storage, welfare areas and orientation facilities supporting the visitor centre out on the seawall, Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon’s press release reads.

The building will also house operations, maintenance and research facilities that support TLSB’s commitments to monitor and mitigate the lagoon’s environmental impacts throughout its 120-year life.

The facilities include a lobster and oyster hatchery to support the company’s aim to invigorate these species’ populations in the Swansea Bay.

Alex Herbert, Head of Planning for Tidal Lagoon Power, said: “The application includes the public realm and other facilities at the western landfall of the recently-consented lagoon. The watersport centre will be capable of hosting local, national and international events and we hope will encourage people to participate in sport using the facilities provided. We hope this facility will promote expertise in mariculture, as well as supporting environmental impact assessment work for TLSB and our programme of further UK and international lagoons.”

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Image: Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon