Waves4Power's WaveEl wave energy system (Courtesy of Waves4Power)

Swedish wave energy company gets onboard Alaska’s decarbonization accelerator

Business Developments & Projects

Swedish company Waves4Power has been selected to participate in Launch Alaska’s 2023 Tech Deployment Track, a program which accelerates decarbonization and deployment of climate tech solutions by helping companies forge partnerships and identify projects in Alaska.

Waves4Power's WaveEl wave energy system (Courtesy of Waves4Power)

Following a competitive global application process, Waves4Power was among 21 companies selected for Launch Alaska’s 2023 Tech Deployment Track.

Launch Alaska is a nonprofit technology deployment accelerator focused on decarbonizing systems of energy, transportation, and industry.

An eight-month deployment accelerator program, the Tech Deployment Track pairs climate tech companies with Alaska partners and customers to help determine whether a product or service is viable for deployment in Alaska.

When the program kicks off in Anchorage in September, Waves4Power will present its green energy wave power technology to a curated group of volunteer advisors for invaluable feedback.

“Over the coming months, we will work alongside Alaska partners to vet and develop partnership and project opportunities in communities around the state.

“Successful program graduates will end the program with a variety of promising, in-progress projects and an invitation to join the Launch Alaska Portfolio with continued support and connections to opportunities in Alaska,” Waves4Power said.

Waves4Power had developed a WaveEL device, which produces electricity using hydraulic pump that is connected to the accumulator that feeds a hydraulic motor with a generator, which in turn converts the hydraulic pressure to electric power.

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