TECO 2030 wraps up installation of 1st scrubber onboard a ship

Business Developments & Projects

Norway’s cleantech company TECO 2030 has completed the installation of the first TECO 2030 FutureFunnel, a scrubber system, onboard a vessel belonging to an undisclosed shipowner.

TECO 2030

According to TECO 2030, Future Funnels are technologies designed to reduce air pollution from the emissions of ships and other industrial sources.

These systems are particularly used in the maritime industry to comply with stricter environmental regulations. By installing scrubbers, ships can reduce their emissions and achieve compliance with international emission standards, such as the sulfur limits set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the MARPOL Annex VI regulations, according to TECO 2030.

“I am happy to see the first future funnel installed onboard a vessel. The shipowner can now sail with reduced emissions without interrupting its operations,” said Tore Enger, Group CEO, TECO 2030.

“We are ready to install more future funnels to shipowners willing to reduce emissions and get returns on their investments. This proves that the market is still attracted to scrubbers while zero emission technologies are readily becoming available,” Enger concluded.

TECO 2030 Future Funnel has been developed by TECO 2030 in cooperation with the Austrian powertrain company AVL. In December last year, the Norwegian firm received its first order for the system valued at NOK 5.5 million (€ 500,000).

The funnels are expected to reduce sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, black carbon, and particulate matter emissions from ships.

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