TGE pressing on with construction of third LNG tank at Świnoujście

Business Developments & Projects

TGE Gas Engineering, an EPC contractor for the storage and handling of liquefied gases, is advancing the construction of the third LNG tank as part of the expansion project of the LNG terminal in Świnoujście, Poland.

TGE Gas is building the LNG tank in consortium with Polish construction company PORR under a $481.7 million contract.

To remind, Polskie LNG, a GAZ-SYSTEM company, was granted a permit to add the 180,000 cubic meter storage tank at the Polish import facility in 2021.

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TGE’s scope of work includes basic and detailed design of the LNG storage tank, pumps, interconnecting piping, and boil-off gas treatment, procurement of all equipment, safety procurement of all material, construction of the storage tank within battery limits, and installation of all equipment including in-tank pumps and BOG compressors.

On November 8, 2023, TGE Gas shared an update via social media channels stating that hydrostatic tests were performed on the tank structure and confirmed that the tank was tight.

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“The positive pneumatic and hydrostatic tests are another big step towards completing the extension of the Świnoujście LNG terminal,” the company said.

According to data available on TGE’s website, completion of the project is scheduled for 2024.

Since 2022, the terminal has a commercial regasification capacity of 6.2 billion m3 annually. Once the expansion project is completed, the capacity will increase to 8.3 billion m3 of gas per year, which is expected to cover over 40% of the estimated annual demand of Polish customers.

In March this year, GAZ-SYSTEM’s terminal in Świnoujście received the first delivery of LNG by the Lech Kaczyński, the first LNG carrier built for exclusive use by ORLEN Group.