TRL+ releases Bimep metocean analysis

Business & Finance

The TRL+ consortium has analyzed the metocean conditions at Bimep test site to support the future design of wave energy devices to be tested at the site.

The report titled ‘Metocean Analysis of Bimep for Offshore Design’ was produced by IHCantabria and the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (Bimep) to support developers willing to test their devices or activities at Bimep.

The metocean databases developed for Bimep are generated using advanced numerical modelling techniques and the databases generated have been validated with instrumental data in Bimep, according to TRL+.

It defines wind, wave, currents and sea level conditions to be considered in a concept design process or a marine operation design at Bimep, it is stated in the report.

The aim of the analysis is to provide guidance throughout the design of wave energy or floating wind concept to be tested at Bimep site.

Bimep is research infrastructure dedicated for demonstrating the technical and economic viability of marine energy converters prior to their large-scale commercialization. It is located 1.7 km off Armintza, Spain.

To remind, IHCantabria and Bimep formed the TRL + consortium to accelerate the development of the marine energy industry early in 2016.