UK: Nexans Supplies Submarine Cables for Westermost Rough Wind Farm

Business & Finance

UK Nexans Supplies Submarine Cables for Westermost Rough Wind Farm

Westermost Rough Ltd, London, and Nexans recently signed an agreement for the delivery and assembly of medium-voltage submarine cables for the Westermost Rough wind farm, which is to be built eight kilometres off the Holderness coast in Yorkshire.

The order encompasses around 53 kilometres of submarine cables. These will be used for connecting the individual wind turbines to each other and to the transformer platform. In addition, a further two kilometres of cable will be delivered for the internal platform cabling. Delivery is scheduled to begin in spring 2013.

The offshore wind farm will be constructed and subsequently operated by Westermost Rough Ltd, a subsidiary of the Danish energy company DONG Energy. Upon completion, 35 wind turbines, each with an output of six megawatts, will be located north-east of the Humber estuary in the North Sea. Following commissioning, which is scheduled for 2014, Westermost Rough will generate 210 megawatts of clean energy over an area of 35 square kilometres, enough to supply around 160,000 households in Britain with power.

The new agreement is the third call-up from the framework agreement for the delivery of up to 900 kilometres of medium-voltage submarine cables. This agreement was concluded between DONG Energy and Nexans in August 2011. According to the agreement, the Danish contracting party can take delivery of up to 150 kilometres of Nexans high-performance cables every year for further offshore wind farms. Previous call-ups were for the West of Duddon Sands wind farm and the Borkum Riffgrund 1 wind farm.

Press Release, February 25, 2013