Unique System mobilizes Hyperbaric Reception Facility in GoM

Business & Finance

Unique System LLC (USA), a division of Unique Maritime Group (UMG) an integrated turnkey subsea and offshore solutions provider, has successfully completed the first mobilization of its Unique Hydra purpose-built Hyperbaric Reception Facility (HRF) within the Gulf of Mexico region of the United States.

Unit with SPHL mounted on HRF undergoing sealpressure test
Unit with SPHL mounted on HRF undergoing sealpressure test

The HRF was transported to Pensacola in the state of Florida, set up and completed various procedures including IMCA testing and subsequent customer approval. The system was leased by Cal Dive International for the duration of its project in order to ensure the safety of its saturation divers in the event of an emergency while on the project. The testing of the unit and fit up and test of the SPHL to the unit were successfully completed in the last week of August.

Unique System HRF set-up dockside

HRF units are used in the diving industry to ensure that, in the event of an emergency evacuation of a DSV having divers in saturation, the divers will have availability of more controlled and comfortable decompression and medical treatment. Their HRC or SPHL after launch can be transported to the HRF which is set up at a shore facility where monitoring and decompression of the divers can be safely completed.

On achieving this significant milestone, Arjun Ramchandani, CEO Unique System LLC (USA) commented, “We are extremely delighted to have successfully completed our first HRF mobilization project. Reiterating the quality and safety factors which are of utmost importance to UMG, complete measures were taken by our highly-skilled technicians to include various levels of testing before the system was leased to our client. We look forward to carry out similar mobilizations for our clients in the near future as well.”

SPHL mounted on Cradle preparing for sealpressure test

Unique System LLC (USA) is based in New Iberia, Louisiana and Houston, Texas. It specializes in the supply of equipment for sale and rental to the diving and offshore industries in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Press Release, September 10, 2014