UWA’s Wave Energy Research Centre Looking for Research Fellow

Business & Finance

The Wave Energy Research Centre (WERC), a research centre within the University of Western Australia (UWA), is looking for a research fellow, who will be located at the Albany campus in Western Australia.

WERC is seeking a research fellow to work with the chief investigators (CIs) to conduct high quality and high impact research that contributes to achieving the centres objectives, and assist with research student training.

The role responsibilities include conducting high quality research in hydrodynamic modelling of wave energy devices, developing advanced theoretical and computational models of wave energy devices, planning and interpreting model scale laboratory experiments and development of design tools or predictive models for estimating extreme loads.

The research fellow will also be responsible for supervision and assisting with training of research students.

The successful candidate is required to have a PhD (or nearly completed) in a discipline relevant to hydrodynamics, or equivalent experience in industry practice.

The deadline for the submission of application is Friday April 26, 2019.

The main objective of WERC is to conduct research to advance the wave energy industry and to support and enable the development, deployment and operation of wave energy converters at Torbay, west of Albany. WERC is a member of the Australian Ocean Energy Group that strengthens collaboration and accelerates innovation across sectors.