Vryhof Sets Up Offshore Engineering Division

Business & Finance

Vryhof and its business unit Deep Sea Mooring (DSM) have launched a new engineering unit to support the company’s offshore oil & gas, renewables and aquaculture operations.

The new unit, which is just one element of Vryhof that also includes anchoring technology specialists Vryhof Anchors and Moorlink, a provider of mobile and permanent mooring solutions, will be home to engineers with previous experience as oil & gas operators, rig owners and vessel designers.

The unit will provide expertise in hydrodynamic and vessel motion analysis; advanced mooring analysis (including for offshore wind turbines and offshore fish farms); dynamic positioning (DP) analysis; flexible and rigid riser analysis; complex marine operations (including offshore crane operations and subsea operations); and probabilistic and deterministic stability analysis for all ship types and floating structures.

A main element of the new unit’s activities will be one of the industry’s largest servers with parallel processing capabilities. This will enable Vryhof and DSM to carry out 120 simultaneous engineering simulations.

Wolfgang Wandl, Vryhof CEO, said: “At a time when engineering innovation is so important to operators as a means of increasing efficiencies and managing costs, access to many of the foremost technical and engineering minds in the mooring industry is a definite value-add for our customers. The result will be viable engineering solutions and highly accurate information and analysis for real-life challenges.”