WATCH: Peninsula puts new LNG bunker vessel to work in the Mediterranean

Business Developments & Projects

Maritime fuel supplier Peninsula has marked the beginning of the operation of its newest LNG supply vessel Levante LNG in the Mediterranean.

The 12,500 cubic meter vessel arrived at the Mediterranean at the end of September and is now fully operational in the Strait of Gibraltar and Western Mediterranean ports.

Using this newbuild vessel, Penninsula supplied Royal Caribbean’s cruise vessel Silver Nova with LNG in Gibraltar on November 4, 2023.

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John A. Bassadone, CEO of Peninsula said: “We are all very proud of hitting this milestone. This is our first LNG supply in Gibraltar keeping us ahead of the decarbonisation curve and marking our move into the physical space through our joint owned, and operated vessel. My thanks also go to Royal Caribbean for their commitment to Peninsula in further advancing a lower carbon future together.”

Nacho de Miguel, Peninsula’s Head of Alternative Fuels & Sustainability, added: “Our LNG bunkering services in the West Med are now operational. Our latest asset is a state-of-the-art, dedicated LNG supply vessel that is providing lower carbon alternatives to the global LNG powered fleet. I want to thank Royal Caribbean for trusting in us to supply their Silver Nova and I have no doubt this is only the beginning of our decarbonisation journey together.”

In October this year, Peninsula secured an LNG bunkering operator license from the Government of Gibraltar and the Gibraltar Port Authority.

At the time, John A. Bassadone, CEO of Peninsula, highlighted that “The ability to operate our LNG vessel in the Strait of Gibraltar will bring lower-carbon solutions to vessels entering and leaving the Mediterranean.”

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Earlier this year, Peninsula also introduced biofuels at its key ports in the Strait of Gibraltar as part of its strategic response to the changing landscape of marine fuels. The company has received a permit from International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) related to its physical supply operations in Gibraltar, Algeciras, and nearby ports.