Photo showing Fred Gardner (Courtesy of Symphony Wave Power)

Wave energy parks with Symphony devices may emerge in North Sea by 2023

Business Developments & Projects

Wave energy parks, equipped with Symphony Wave Power devices, could emerge in the North Sea in 2023, according to the company’s founder Fred Gardner.

Fred Gardner (Courtesy of Symphony Wave Power)
Photo showing Fred Gardner (Courtesy of Symphony Wave Power)
Fred Gardner (Courtesy of Symphony Wave Power)

“In 2023 we will have the first wave energy park in the North Sea with six working Symphony’s”, said Fred Gardner, adding however, that before reaching that point the company needs to complete the development phase of its technology.

“The components have been successfully tested at TU Delft and in Portugal. The turbine is now in the workshop at Multimetaal in Den Helder. Here, the entire Symphony will be assembled and we will have everything running, including the turbine”, Gardner said.

Finding a good location in the sea remains high on the company’s priority list, according to Gardner, as it is necessary for performing ‘wet tests’ there.

“We are currently looking at various locations, including the sea near The Hague, where we have also discovered the possibilities of linking the Symphony Wave Power to a platform where hydrogen is made”, Gardner added.

Significant strides have already been made in the technology development process, and the company is now increasing its focus to the end users.

“Symphony Wave Power is a wonderful device with which you can provide 100% energy to all coastal regions. A major advantage is that the system is under water, so there is no horizon pollution. And you only need a small piece of the North Sea”, Gardner said.

According to Symphony’s founder, local governments seem to be enthusiastic for the application of wave energy technology in the Dutch Wadden islands.

The Symphony Wave Power device, being developed by Teamwork Technology, is a point absorbing wave energy system that converts the wave motion below the surface of the water into an internal water pressure, which drives an innovative turbine for the production of electricity.

Supported by the ENCORE project, the device is currently undergoing power performance trials in Den Helder in the Netherlands at the facilities of Multimetaal, who invested in the company earlier in 2021.