Waves Group on point for Simec Atlantis tidal job in Japan

Business Developments & Projects

UK-based marine services company Waves Group has provided Marine Warranty Surveyor services for the transportation and installation of the recently installed Simec Atlantis AR500 tidal turbine in Japan.

The AR500 tidal energy system (Courtesy of Waves Group)
Photo of the AR500 tidal energy system (Courtesy of Waves Group)
The AR500 tidal energy system (Courtesy of Waves Group)

The turbine was installed on 23 January 2021 offshore Goto Island, Japan and has already started power generation. The system will initially be operating at a capped maximum generation output of 500kW to collect performance and environmental data.

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Waves Group provided Marine Warranty Surveyor services for the review and approval of the transportation and installation procedures for the project and installation of the AR500 tidal stream generator, along with the associated subsea cables.

The company also provided a surveyor onsite at Nagasaki harbour to witness loadout and seafastening of the equipment required onboard the ‘Grand Canyon II’ vessel, and to witness preparations for start of the installation operations.

“Continuing our relationship with Simec Atlantis, following the installation and maintenance of the MeyGen tidal stream project over the last few years, we are pleased to have been involved in the success of this latest project”, Waves Group said.

Waves Group provides services for a wide range of offshore renewable energy projects which include the planning and constructing of a number of offshore wind farms, wave and tidal energy projects.