Westermeerwind OWF Monopile Installation Begins

Operations & Maintenance

The construction of the offshore wind farm Westermeerwind has started with the installation of the first monopile foundation at the IJsselmeer, the Netherlands.

The monopiles were transported from Vlissingen to the project site located between 500 and 1200 meters from the coast of Noordermeer Dijk.

The foundation piles are steel tubes about 35 meters long, weighting about 250 tons with a diameter of 5 meters.

Depending on the weather conditions, every day one foundation pile will be driven into the seabed.

The total of 48 piles will be installed with the work taking place in March and April.

Installation and burial of the electrical cables will take place in May at the project site.

The first electricity from the Westermeerwind is expected in late July/early August.

The project is scheduled for completion by the February 2016.

Subsea World News Staff; Image: Westermeerwind
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