Wintermar Accepts Delivery of New PSV (Indonesia)

Business & Finance

Wintermar Accepts Delivery of New PSV (Indonesia)

Wintermar, an Indonesian ship management and ship owning, focusing on serving the offshore marine industry, has taken delivery of “WM Natuna” latest Platform Supply Vessel (PSV).

This latest vessel, together with the company’s other two PSVs, WM Makassar and WM Sulawesi are the only three Indonesian flagged PSVs in the 3500 dwt class, a fact for which the company says is strengthening its market leadership in this segment of the Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) market in Indonesia.

WM Natuna is equipped with DP2 (Dynamic Positioning) and has Oil recovery capability. Classified with ABS + A1(E) Offshore Support Vessel notation, she also has ERRV certification ( Emergency Rescue and Response) and Fifi class 1 (firefighting). Her 20 cabins can accommodate up to 50 passengers.

“We are currently in the process of tendering for several contracts for WM Natuna to support oil and gas exploration,” said Wintermar in a press release.

WM Natuna was built in China and is owned by PT WM Offshore, a 51% subsidiary of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk and a joint venture with PT Meratus Line.

Offshore Energy Today Staff, February 27, 2013