Alewijnse, Ingeteam join forces for hybrid and electric propulsion systems


Making a step forward in the sustainability of the maritime supply chain, Dutch Alewijnse and Spanish Ingeteam have joined forces to initiate and facilitate the development and integration of hybrid and electric propulsion systems.

Courtesy of Alewijnse
Courtesy of Alewijnse

The two companies share the same vision for sustainable maritime industry and see energy conversion and electric propulsion as key to a clean future.

Together, the partners will work to offer energy-efficient hybrid and electric propulsion systems, energy storage systems, electric motors and frequency drives.

Ingeteam specialises in the electrical conversion and energy sector while Alewijnse provides electrical and automation systems for the maritime and industrial sector.

According to Alewijnse’s CEO Gert Bravenboer, combining the companies’ expertise will result in offering customers a unique one-stop shop for the engineering, supply, installation and commissioning of electrical technology in the field of power conversion.

“Ingeteam and Alewijnse are a perfect match. We have been looking for a large partner to serve the Dutch maritime market for a long time. We have tried to do business with other players, but they do not have such a complementary portfolio and service as Alewijnse”, said Iñigo Atutxa, Marine Business director of Ingeteam Power Technology.

“With them as a system integrator, we make a good combination. We both share the same vision and have long experience in the market, and can offer a full package of services, especially for large projects in the Netherlands.”

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