Atlantic area ports to explore the use of green hydrogen-based technologies

Business Developments & Projects

A consortium of eleven partners from public and private entities from Spain, France, Ireland, and Portugal has kicked off a project that will carry out pilot tests for the application of hydrogen and methanol as an energy alternative in the fleet and vehicles of the ports of the Atlantic area.

Image credit: Port of Seville

The project named HYDEA was launched at the end of November with the first meeting of the consortium in the Port of Vigo, Spain. The duration of the project is three years with a budget of €3.43 million.

Aiming to integrate marine technologies and renewable energies in the maritime sector, the project is led by EnergyLab Technology Center, and funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027 program.

The HYDEA project was created to accelerate the development and application of technologies based on the use of green hydrogen as an energy alternative in different types of fleets and vehicles, thus taking another step forward in research for the development and application of alternatives to current energy sources.

The project’s main objective is to assess, develop, and promote the use of technologies based on green hydrogen from renewables like marine energy in Atlantic Area ports, which is articulated through the achievement of several specific objectives addressing the following challenges:

  • Promoting a clear role of hydrogen in the strategic energy plans of ports;
  • Increasing knowledge on various hydrogen production technologies that are viable for use in ports.; and
  • Implementing technology demonstrators to attract investor interest in viable business models.

The project consortium gathers four ports (Port Authority of Vigo, Port Authority of Seville, Brest Brittany Port Company and Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo), a technology center (France Energies Marines), two universities (University of Galway and University of Porto), and three companies (Hive Hydrogen, Automotive Synergy Evolution, and Energy Observer Developments).

All participants will also have the support of 13 associated entities: seven Atlantic port authorities and six entities promoting clean energies.

In addition, the HYDEA Community was created. It will be coordinated by the Port Authority of Vigo, and integrate entities from the entire hydrogen value chain from the tertiary sector, academics, or industry, as well as from the public administrations.

This Community aims to be an international forum for sharing experiences, good practices, and, in general, disseminating the potential of hydrogen for the sustainable development of communities and for achieving the decarbonization of society in general, and of ports in particular.