Atlantis to study Japanese tidal stream

Business & Finance
AR1500 tidal stream turbine installed at MeyGen (Photo: Atlantis Resources)

Edinburgh-based renewable energy company Atlantis Resources and Nagasaki University have signed a collaboration agreement for a joint study on ocean renewables using tidal stream.

The joint study has been launched to clarify the cost of energy based on Atlantis’ experience from commercial project in the UK, and data on tidal stream provided by Nagasaki University.

AR1500 tidal stream turbine installed at MeyGen (Photo: Atlantis Resources)

Atlantis is the developer of the MeyGen tidal stream array project in Scotland, which is one of the largest commercial tidal stream project in the world with total power output of about 400MW in the final phase.

Upon the completion of the joint study, Nagasaki University said it plans to move into the next step to clarify project costs and the cost of energy in Japan.

The study will be an important step to understand the potential of ocean renewables in Japan, Nagasaki University noted.