Canada: CHS Students Win MATE ROV Competition

Research & Development

Canada: High School Wins MATE ROV Competition

On Saturday, May 5th, Clarenville High School won the provincial MATE ROV competition for the second year in a row. The team will now have the honor of representing Newfoundland and Labrador at the 11th Annual MATE International ROV Competition being held in Orlando, Florida from June 21-23, 2012.

CHS students outfitted their ROV with a SubC Control Angler to enhance their view of the underwater environment.

Here’s what they had to say: “SubC Control has improved our team’s underwater ROV immensely by providing us with an underwater camera. With this camera, our ROV can perform to the best of it’s ability while giving us the best picture possible.”

Their ROV proved to be the fastest in the provincial competition, completing the missions in 9 and 11 minutes – well under the 15 minutes allotted. The new thrusters and camera equipment no doubt added to the ROV’s stability and assisted the pilot in completing the tasks.

Subsea World News Staff , May 09, 2012;  Image: SubC Control