CETO 5 full array now in operation

Operations & Maintenance

Carnegie Wave has installed the third and final CETO 5 Unit off the Garden Island.

The full array of three units is now operating at Perth Wave Energy Project site. Carnegie initially planned to retrieve the two deployed units for inspection prior to installing the third, but the company decided to postpone the retrieval of the units in order to allow the initial period of time for three units to operate together.

The first CETO 5 unit has now been operating for over 2.700 hours, with the second CETO 5 unit completing 1.200 operational hours.

Michael Ottaviano, Carnegie’s Managing Director, said: “The successful installation of our final CETO 5 unit is the final step in the delivery of the Perth Wave Energy Project. The integration of multiple wave energy convertors is critical to demonstrating the principles of future CETO wave farms. Now all three units are integrated and operating we can begin to operate the power plant as intended and understand how the system operates across a range of sea states and settings.”

Carnegie Wave plans to retrieve one of the first two units within the following 30-60 days.

Following the deployment of the final CETO 5 unit, the recently announced grid commissioned desalination plant will also undergo integration into the wave farm, in order to produce fresh water from a clean energy source.

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Image: Carnegie Wave