CGG delivers reprocessed Gulf of Mexico seismic data to CNH

Project & Tenders

French geophysical services company CGG has delivered the final products from its Encontrado multi-client reprocessing project across the Gulf of Mexico’s prolific Perdido fold belt.

CGG said on Thursday that the reprocessed data was delivered on schedule to the Comision Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) and the industry.

The company added that the final reverse time migration (RTM), Kirchhoff migration, and associated data volumes covering a vast 38,000 square-kilometer area straddling the Mexico-USA border was now available on a non-exclusive basis.

According to CGG, the prospective reservoirs can be identified and mapped in “unprecedented detail.” The improved depth information in the final volume also have a material impact on the understanding of the petroleum systems and the location, timing, volume, and type of hydrocarbons that may have charged the reservoirs.

These improvements could, in turn, enable an enhanced assessment of prospectivity in this emerging exploration frontier.

To further enhance industry understanding of this highly prospective area, CGG embarked on a JumpStart fully integrated geoscience program to complement the seismic data from the Encontrado project.

JumpStart programs are designed to review, validate, calibrate, and interpret all available seismic, well and geologic data to deliver all the information needed in one place for a comprehensive understanding of the petroleum systems present.

CGG CEO, Jean-Georges Malcor, said: “The final images obtained from the advanced high-end processing sequence will allow detailed geological interpretation and be suitable for both basin-scale exploration and potential prospect evaluation.

“By undertaking the Encontrado reprocessing and a JumpStart geoscience program, CGG is playing a leading role in helping to turn this frontier area into a well-understood basin.”