China and California agree clean tech cooperation

Authorities & Government

The government of California and China’s Ministry of Science and Technology have agreed to work together on climate change related issues and to develop clean energy technologies.

California and China agreed on June 5, 2017, to establish the California-China Clean Technology Partnership, designed to drive innovation and commercialization in areas such as carbon capture and storage, clean energy, and advanced information technology that could help cut greenhouse gas emissions.

The two countries have also agreed to develop a California-China Clean Technology Partnership Fund, according to the government of California.

Edmund G. Brown, the Governor of California, said: “The challenges are big but so too is the commitment – the commitment of Jiangsu Province with California and China with the people of America. Green is not only gold, green is our future – China, California and America and the other countries of the world are all working for the prosperity of the people.”

The Governor’s remarks came on World Environment Day at the International Summit of New Environmental Protection Technology in Nanjing, China.