China: Delphin Shipping Takes Delivery of Supramax Bulk Carrier Aquila

Delphin Shipping Takes Delivery of Supramax Bulk Carrier Aquila

Greek ship operator Delphin Shipping has taken delivery of a 57,000 dwt supramax bulk carrier that burns 14% less fuel oil than similar bulkers of the same capacity. The vessel, Aquila, was built by Chinese shipyard Jiangsu Hantong, for the New York-based Greek owner.

Aquila, which was based on a SDARI design, has a de-rated main engine, a new propeller design specially optimised for the de-rated engine and a Mewis Duct, a propulsion improvement device for ships. The design appraisal, build and sea trials were supervised by Lloyd’s Register.

Fuel consumption at ballast draught and a speed of 14 knots dropped from 29.4 tonnes to 26 tonnes and at design draught and 13.5 knots it fell from 29.8 tonnes to 26.3 tonnes. The engine’s output has been reduced by almost 1,000 kW to 8,500 kW.

Commenting on the delivery, Meng Cheng Jun, President of the Jiangsu Hantong Group, said: “Based on the SDARI design, Hantong completed the design optimisation and the tank test independently, which also brings us the patent right of our own part. Hantong is taking note of the market environment requests and listening to the owners’ needs on vessels. Now therefore Hantong will keep on strengthening the optimisations of our vessels and is endeavouring to build the vessels to be more eco-friendly and more fuel efficient than previous ones.”

Nick Brown, Lloyd’s Register’s Area General Manager and Marine Manager, Greater China, said: “Owners and operators are looking for efficiencies and now shipyards Owners and operators are looking for efficiencies and now shipyards and designers are responding to this demand. Emissions regulation and higher energy prices are the two leading factors changing our industry. New technologies and innovation will play a vital role in the immediate and long-term future of shipping. This new ship is evidence of the shift towards new eco designs.”


Source: lr, May 31, 2012