China’s first diesel-electric hybrid ASD tug delivered

Business Developments & Projects

China’s shipbuilder Jiangsu Zhenjiang Shipyard has completed and delivered the first domestic diesel-electric azimuth stern drive (ASD) tugboat, Yonggang Tuo 80.

Zhenjiang Shipyard

On December 20, 2023, the tug left the Zhenjiang Shipyard pier and set sail for Ningbo Oil Handling & Tug (Barge).

The 568 GT tug is classed by China Classification Society (CCS).

The 3,680-kW tug is equipped with diesel engines and batteries driving electric motors connected to two thrusters for fuel and emissions savings.

As explained, the 39-meter-long unit uses parallel fuel-electric hybrid propulsion, that is, a superimposed drive of a traditional diesel main engine and battery-powered motor propulsion. In hybrid mode, energy conservation and emission reduction are achieved through the system’s working condition optimization and intelligent energy dispatching methods, which can not only meet the optimal power output requirements but also achieve optimal energy consumption through superimposed lithium battery propulsion.

When the tug enters the emission control area, it can switch to pure battery mode for propulsion. It has low noise, small vibration and is quiet during navigation. The tug achieves “zero fuel consumption, zero pollution, and zero emissions” in the port.

In diesel engine propulsion mode, the surplus power of the main engine can be fed back to the power grid and lithium battery charging.

This product fills the gap in the domestic diesel+battery hybrid tug market and reflects Zhenjiang Shipyard’s readiness to transition to green, low-carbon, environmentally friendly products.